Sunday, January 20, 2013

"You Don't Win Friends With Salad"

Hey there everyone, sorry its taken me a bit to write, I've been working like crazy and honestly nothing new has really happened I would say is worth posting about. So here, I will finally get to write about certain happenings that I hadn't gotten a chance to share.

 When I first contemplated creating this bog, I was having some trouble coming up with my domain name. I went to trusty google to look for some inspiration and typed in "vegetarian". As the results popped up, I noticed a website for poetry and quotes, click. It was a web page with poetry, quotes and snarky snippets from pop T.V. and movie culture. As I began to read them one by one I was strengthened in my motivation to make the switch and pleasantly surprised that a number of great, influential people were veggies as well. Unfortunately there, I did not find my inspiration for my name but I did come across a moment of hilarity (well I found it funny) in one of the excerpts on the page, that continues to enter my mind from time to time. 

The quote came from the husband of a well known and loved American family. They were established in 1988 (year of my birth!) and have brought much joy and laughter into the hearts of many. They are the yellow, dysfunctional fam bam from good 'ol Springfield, The Simpsons. The funny came from the episode in which the prodigal daughter, Lisa, decides to become a vegetarian and tries to get her dad, Homer, to throw a meatless BBQ; which he is throwing in order to outdo "stupid, sexy Flanders". In his response to her crazy notions he states:
     All normal people love meat.  If I went to a barbeque and there was no meat, I would say, "Yo Goober!  Where's the meat?"  I'm trying to impress people here, Lisa.  You don't win friends with salad.

Believe it or not, I didn't get my blog title Where's the meat? from this, but it did reaffirm my choice in the decision. It was the only title that was sticking in my head but felt it was mundane. You see, I was once a die hard Simpsons fan (soon to be again haha) and when I read Homer's dialogue I was literally LOL'ing; and took it as a sign that my blog was meant to be titled as such. I'm very thankful that the universe had me come across this website because I find myself singing "you don't win friends with salad", on the days I am having the hardest time coping with the switch. It brings a chuckle and a grin to myself and is a reminder to lighten up, don't be to hard on myself and it'll get easier; I got enough friends anyways haha!

As I had mentioned in my previous posts, my transition to my new lifestyle choice had started to take its toll on my stomach and mind. And though I caved in and feasted on our poor friend Jaques (read previous posts if you have no idea who I'm speaking of, shame on you!) I have yet to touch our bovine, swine and poultry friends (didn't really ever eat any other types of meat). However, this process has not been easy. The hub has tried to make it easy on me, helping me with salads and such, but unfortunately without him trying, he has made it quite difficult at times. I do look at this as a benefit though; I will eventually have to be used to being around meat and not wanting to snatch it and devour it on site. I highly doubt our friends will be so pleased to have me come at them from across the table to steal their steak... don't think so. 

Thanks to the advice on one of the sites I had visited in looking for tips on making the transition (their link is on my page), I began to think of all the reasons I had decided to make the switch. When the smell of hubbys' juicy steak covered in melting butter hit my nose, I would go over and over in my mind of all the reasons I did not want to eat that red meat. You may think it would be overly repetitive and old but if you have true, substantial reasons for your commitment and you're not doing it on a whim or because of a 'fad', I assure you, it helps like you wouldn't believe. And to tie in the Simpsons again, I suppose a PG version of what goes on in my head is similar to when Lisa is at the dinner table and she looks down at her plate, two lamb chops laying there, she imagines the poor little sheep baahing to her, "Liiisaaaa, what did I ever do to yoooou?". Yea after that, even though I want it badly, the meat is not going in my mouth, nope, not gonna happen! 

I of course have my weak moments, we all know that lol, and I am not kidding myself that this trick will help me 100 % of the time. So do not get discouraged if your aids do not get you out of every moment of temptation; if you have great reasons they will serve you most of the time. With that, I leave you all with one of my tricks. 

Good Vibes and Happy Days <3

- jess

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