Alrighty, so a day or two ago after I had gotten home from work, I was way too tired to make myself my first authentic (I guess u can call it that?) veggie dinner. So I decided to make myself a simple, mayo packed (I always load up the mayo) egg sandwich. I open the fridge to get the foods out and I see a "to go" box sitting there, Pandora's box waiting to be opened. I look at it, I look at my husband, box, husband, box... And it's buffalo wings! Delectable, spicy, tangy, the kryptonite of all chicken, dam buffalo wings!
To further help you understand my love for these little beauties, when I ate buffalo wings, I ate the Sh#+ out of them! I mean down to the cartilage and all. I would always poke fun at my husband and would tell him to "finish" his wings when he was done eating. And he'd strike back with "sorry I don't clean my bones off like a starving child." Hey I grew up with 3 older brothers and I've learned many of my ways from them... And devouring wings was one I was much proud to have picked up from them.
So I make my little egg sandwich, he heats up his wings, and we sit on the couch. We start eating and watching TV as usual. Then it begins. The smell, the sweet sweet tangy smell of those wings starts to linger from his box and into my nostrils. I finish my food and I'm honestly full but that doesn't stop my nose from telling my brain "hey u need to get on that!" So I look over and I start taking a few small whiffs but I refrained from it, didn't even taste the sauce (which my hub believed wouldn't be cheating). And as I'm sitting there watching TV and my hub is eating away, all I can picture is Ben Stiller's character in dodge ball doing unmentionable things with a pizza.
*if u haven't seen Dodgeball, please go google so u have an idea of what the heck I'm talking about. Thanks*
Not that I would ever do unmentionable things with food, I mean I know I'm weird but that's just gross. But that scene would not exit my brain, thinking of the things people do when they are "depriving" themselves of something they want so bad, I could not stop laughing at myself. So is sniffing cheating?? I dunno but it's not something I plan on doing a whole lot of in the future. Guess I couldn't help myself this time, oh well :D
Happy days! Or night in this case.

- jess 🐾
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